Sunday, April 18, 2010

This is an important message not just at Easter but always.

Hopefully, in time, we will learn it is far better to alter ourselves then it is to attempted to alter truth...things as they really are!

Remember the atonement is not just for the prodigal son out there, but also for all the brothers and sister who have stayed home. It's not just for the thieves crucified next to Christ, but for the faithful disciples who looked on as well. No one can make it alone--not without the Christ, the great I am.

Another Testament of Jesus Christ

I wanted to add to this site things and pictures of our family. A family which has struggled to stay in touch let alone to be close, continuing to build a strong belief and faith in Jesus Christ. In order to do that you have to share with your own family. Do not worry about what they will think. Right now, just let your testimony stand. Let your love be known.

All of us need to say we have tested the book of Mormon for ourselves. That we have put man's philosophy on a shelf, especially the thoughts and opinions of other people. That we have prayerfully read and sought to know if this book is of God or man. "Ask and ye shall receive."

I have had the honor and the blessing to have read it and to know it is true. I have also watched many others come to the same truth. If you have read it from cover to cover and asked God if it's true, that is one thing. If you have not read it and condemn it, that is truly another.

I love the book it is a truly a great blessing to me. The Book of Mormon and the New Testament are the two biggest treasures of my life.....test them and see!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

MSM: We report! We decide! We divide!

This is a great video. We should turn off the talking heads and listen to our hearts.
We must realize the best way to keep people powerless is to divide them up.
And then keep dividing them up into even smaller groups.
Black and white.
Red states and blue states
Rich and poor.
Muslims and Christians.
The real enemy to freedom is fear.
95% of Americans believe in God.
We should look for what brings us together not what makes us fear one another.
The Lord said it best: A new commandment I give unto you, love one another as I have Loved you.
God has also said "My arm is around the whole earth, be still and know I am God!"
Or as one put it "Know God and be still."

Sunday, November 15, 2009